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Writer's pictureBrightPoint Creative

Marketing With Promo Products Isn't Rocket Science

Updated: Nov 27, 2023

When taking into account all the aspects of marketing, you can truly say that is a science. The goal of any marketer is to elicit human behavior and develop methods to move people and consumers to take action with their brand. There are many methods that encourage marketers to incorporate proven concepts of psychology and neurology into their marketing strategies. Well….I am here to let you in on a secret, marketing with promotional products doesn’t have to be rocket science.

Any promotional product professional worth their value will tell you that developing branded products for clients can be effortless when the right questions are asked and evaluated. Some examples of these questions include the following:

  • What actions do you want your consumers to take?

  • What are your measuring metrics and are they set up and functioning?

  • Who is your target audience? And who is your sub-target audience? (most promo products will work across demographic lines)

  • What is your budget? And are you willing to spend more to achieve a successful and measurable ROI with these promo products?

  • How do you want your brand represented in the eyes of your consumers after receiving these promo products?

By answering these questions, you have now taken care of the “Science” part of creating and using promotional branded products. Knowing that putting your logo on something is not enough to elicit human behavior is crucial. Consumers today are not shy about taking an action or sharing information with a brand or business. By offering the consumer a promotional product that directly correlates with your brands products or services is a low cost/cost-effective method to create a fantastic first impression and gather data for future marketing opportunities.

It is not enough anymore, in the SWAG business, to simply create products with a logo on them. In today’s crowded marketplace, it is critical to achieve top of mind awareness with consumers and develop sound marketing strategies that elicit human behavior. Promotional (branded) products offer brands the opportunity to engage with consumers on a personal level all while leaving the consumer with a tangible and useful advertisement that cannot be turned off like a T.V. or radio ad.

Research has shown that 39% of consumers would patronize the business that distributed a promotional product. Does your brand, through creative and innovative strategies, fully utilize the use of promotional and branded products? SWAG (I hate that word) has been ingrained in our minds to mean something for free. The challenge now for marketers in all industries is to get something in return or, even smarter, develop a promotional product program to turn an engaging customer touch into a sale and eventually into a loyal customer.

Again, the process of using and creating promotional products doesn’t have to be rocket science. It is a simple case of knowing what human behaviors you want to produce and how to maximize the reach of a branded product.

We, BrightPoint Creative, Utah’s leading promotional product and branded apparel company, are doing awesome things on our website. Take a peek at thousands of promotional products, branded apparel, corporate and employee recognition award ideas

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