Say what you want about the housing market, homes are still being sold and real estate agents are finding clever ways to achieve top-of-mind awareness with potential buyers. (Thanks Jay Baer for this book) One of these clever ideas is using promotional products that stand out with their buyers.
These promotional products are a very simple way to make a great first impression. If the promo item adds value to the buying process the power of the item goes through the roof. One of the added bonuses real estate agents are seeing with these items, if designed correctly, is that they are being passed on to family and friends of the buyers. What a bonus!
If you are a real estate agent you probably know some of the most used promotional products in this market- gift cards to restaurants or home improvement stores, welcome baskets, magnets and branded pens. While those products are good, this post is to show you how a promotional product that adds value to the buyer will go so much further and has real potential for you to sell the home.
The first step is to do your research. Take a look at the market where the home is located. Do the people in that market make six figures a year or are they primarily middle class? Do they shop at well-known department stores or at local small businesses? Based on this research you will have a greater idea of what kinds of promotional products will make a lasting impression. The second step is to ask potential buyers or past buyers what kinds of everyday items they would like to receive. This might seem like a difficult or even hard thing to do but the effort will come back to you. Here is a list of different items that could have/add value for your potential buyers:
Daily used items: If people use the item often, giving them one of these items will increase your chances of staying on their minds. Examples include a branded kitchen knife, branded house keys, a custom door mat, custom set of tools, custom calendars with local scenery etc. Think about items you use every day and find out if they might fit for your buyers.
Gifts that can be re-used: Have you ever thought about giving a basket full of branded cleaning supplies to every potential buyer? This is a gift that keeps on giving t for them and for you. Or try for one month a cleaning service for the new house done by a local cleaning business if they buy a house. This can be given in a branded guide. What about a guide to local restaurants, hot night life spots etc. for the area? Again this can easily be branded for you, the agent. Think about gifts that will be used often and add value to the buyer.
Tech-Inspired promo gifts: This category is one that is trending right now in just about every industry. Some of these gifts could include items such as branded iPad sleeves, flash-drives, car chargers, power bank chargers and phone apps. Tech is in, and it is not going anywhere.
Out of this world items: Again, creating gifts that add value to the buyer is the best way to achieve top of mind awareness. Some ideas could include a water cooler with the image of the home screened on it, a branded blender, a custom safety/first aid kit and a book that is authored by the agent.
Real Estate agents are using promotional products more than ever to help, yes help, their potential buyers get into their dream homes. This post was inspired by one of our clients here in Utah Berkshire Hathaway Home Services who uses Promotional Products on a regular basis.